The Ultimate List of Who to Notify When Moving

June 30, 2021 / Posted in Before the Move
Eva Johnson

Digital nomad born in New York but currently living online, Eva knows everything there is to know about packing and moving.

Relocation will bring you a lot of stress and a lot of new opportunities. Although you will have hundreds of smaller and bigger tasks on your to-do list, the thing you definitely shouldn’t forget is to learn who to notify when moving. Whether it is an official notice for government agencies, U.S. Postal Service, employer, or simple information you’ll share with your family and friends, announcing your move is an essential thing to do. Here is a list that will inspire you to make your own and send the notice of relocation to all parties that could find this information helpful.

person holding a model of a house
Remember to inform your friends, family members, and relevant institutions about the relocation

Who Should You Notify When You Move?

One of the most common things you forget to do when you move is to create a relocation plan and to-do list that will help you move efficiently and attain a stress-free relocation experience. This is especially important in a last-minute move because those lists will ensure you keep an eye on all the details and have everything under control.

One of the lists you should also remember to create is “who to notify when you move” when you’re about to move to another state because you don’t want to lose contact with dear people, miss an important letter, or get into legal troubles. So no matter if you’re a relocation veteran or moving out for the first time, here is the ultimate list of who to notify of an address change and avoid one of the most common beginner moving mistakes.

a woman filing a long-distance moving to-do list
Creating a checklist of institutions and people you should inform about relocation will accelerate this process.

Put Family and Friends on Top of the List of Who To Notify When Moving

After you sign the lease or buy a home, we are sure that you will share the good news with your closest family and friends since it is very likely they were aware of your relocation plans anyway. Relocating from a small town to a big city is a life-changing event and something that should be celebrated. So, the best way to notify of the change of address is to throw a party and officially announce the great news.


How to Tell Friends and Family You’re Moving

Although saying goodbye can be very emotional, it also can mark a new beginning for the relationships you have with your beloved people. This will be a great moment to start planning some other nice events, such as their visits because moving away from friends doesn’t mean you have to stop contacting them – just the opposite.

In some cases, this could even mean deepening the relationship and developing quality friendships even if you live miles away from each other. If you need more ideas on how to throw a party on a budget, take a look at the video below and find useful tips to help you out.

Organizing Important Documents Can Help You Create a “Change of Address – Who to Notify” List

Another useful relocation tip that could facilitate your relocation is to organize important documents at home, which will help you to figure out all the institutions, utility providers, banks, and other parties that should be notified about your relocation. And believe it or not, documentation is one of the most commonly forgotten things to pack, which is quite understandable because many people simply don’t have a system for organizing paperwork at home.

So not only will you finally get your important documents in order, but you will have a definitive checklist of all parties to inform about the relocation and get organized to move.

Start the Process of Official Changing of Residential Data With the U.S. Postal Service

Notifying the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is the very first step to take when you want to update the data permanently. This is important to do because you don’t want to miss a letter or package or make the next owners google How to stop getting mail for previous residents because you failed to update the information with the USPS on time. This update should take place at least two weeks before the relocation day, and it is actually much easier than it seems at first sight.

The most convenient way to do it once and for all is by filing an online form and providing the USPS with all accurate information like valid email addresses, new home addresses, and credit card details. Another option is to get to the nearest post office and fill out the PS Form 3575. Once you provide the USPS with all the info, they need around two weeks to change it through their system, and your letters, notices, and packages will be sent to the new place seamlessly.

If You Don’t Want to Get Into Legal Troubles, Inform Government Agencies About Your Address Switch Accurately

Failure to inform government agencies about the relocation can lead to legal consequences, which means you should put them high on the list of who to inform when relocating. Here is the ultimate list of all government institutions you have to contact and inform about any data changes:

  • Internal Revenue Service (IRS) – The modification of your info with the IRS is much easier than you possibly expect it to be. All you have to do is fill out an online form and inform your state’s department of revenue, too. This way, you will avoid any potential penalties or other legal issues. Also, if you’re an entrepreneur and relocating your whole business to another state, learn how to transfer an LLC to another state and all other regulations when it comes to office moves because the last thing you want is to have to deal with the IRS.
  • Voter Registration is required if you want to use your voting right at the next election. No matter if you’re relocating across the street or across the country, the thing you should know is – you are obliged to re-register. Since voter registration is managed within each state differently, explore all the details and requirements on the state’s website or the US Election Assistance Commission website. You can modify the residential data using mail, an online form, or in-person at your county board or at the DMV registrars.
  • Social Security is the only government agency that doesn’t require updating the residential data for social security cards, except if you are a beneficiary of Social Security or Medicare benefits. In case you still want to do it, you can use their online system, contact the nearest local office, or call them and explore all options. Changing the data with social security is especially important to do if you’re relocating with kids or are relocating while pregnant because it is most likely that at some point soon, you will need medical services.
Application for health insurance
Changing residential data with government agencies is obligatory and much simpler than it seems.

Utility Providers Both for the Old and the New House Are Next on the List

Since you are about to relocate to another city or a state, check how to transfer utilities, and inform all utility providers about your relocation and decide whether you will transfer or cancel the service. If that same company can provide you with the same utilities in another area, then the changing of data will be a piece of cake, and you will be able to do it in a few minutes using your online account.

So when you move, who should you notify for various utilities? Here’s a quick list:

  • Water and sewer,
  • Electricity,
  • Gas,
  • Waste removal,
  • Landline telephone,
  • Internet,
  • Cable TV,
  • Parking.

It is of tremendous importance to do this. Otherwise, you may end up paying for the resources you no longer use. All bills should be addressed in your name and an accurate home address. Once you contact them and inform them about the relocation, it is the perfect time to check all the balances and pay outstanding ones if there are any. Also, this is a perfect moment to ask them when the best moment to shut down the utilities is and what the process of transferring them to the new owner is if you’ve sold the house.

electric bill, pen, and calculator
Remember to do all required changes with the utility service providers, too.

Financial Institutions and Insurance Companies Should Also Be Notified About Personal Data Changes

Since all of the financial institutions and insurance companies have different regulations on personal data alteration, the best solution is to create a list of all parties and send them an email asking for instructions on the further steps to take.

The financial organizations you’ll definitely want to inform in time are:

  • Banks,
  • Credit card companies,
  • Loan issuers,
  • Accountants and tax advisors.

If you’re using an insurance company’s services to secure your life, house, car, or any other valuable possessions, notifying them about the relocation means that you will rearrange the insurance policy. This way, you can be certain everything is secure in your new residence too.

people ready to sign a contract
Rearrange insurance policies and all finance-related details with your providers.

To Sum Up: Frequently Asked Questions About Changes of Address

Since there are various parties involved that you should consider notifying about the relocation, we prepared this short summary to make things easier:

  • Where to update your address when you move?

Depending on the institution and its requirements, the process will differ. USPS, government agencies, financial institutions, and utility companies are essential, to begin with. In case you have some other providers or subscription services, make sure to include them in your checklist of who to notify of a change of address.

  • What is the best way to notify of an address change?

When it comes to institutions, you can use their online forms, email, snail mail, or visit their offices in person and fill out the required form. Whatever you choose, make sure to have written proof that the process of updating your data has started. Whenever you can, choose online solutions since they are the fastest and most reliable ones, as well as the safest during a pandemic.

  • When should you change your address when moving?

Again, the answer to this question depends on the institution or service provider. However, starting the process two weeks prior to the relocation day is an optimal period for getting all of your information accurately updated. Although this is obligatory, remember that if you forget to update any of your information, you have the right to do it after your relocation. However, since there can be some inconveniences, such as not receiving letters, packages, bills, and tax notices on time that can lead to late fees, you should definitely take care of it prior to the move.

A girl browsing the internet using a laptop
Take advantage of the option to alter data using online forms.

Don’t Forget to Announce the Relocation to Your Long-Distance Movers

Scheduling the relocation day and choosing all the long-distance moving services you will need is one of the most crucial steps in organizing the relocation, so make sure to do it way in advance. Since there are many details you will have to go through with the long-distance moving company representatives, you should contact them at least two months before the planned relocation date.

This should be enough time to decide on all the important details and book all the packing services you’ll need, as well as auto transport services. The representatives will explain to you in detail how shipping a car cross country functions or how long it takes to ship a car, as well as provide you with a detailed estimate of the cost of shipping a car and other cross-country moving services, so you can be sure you made the right decision.

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