Best Tips to Prepare You for Moving to Another State Alone
In 1980, adults who lived independently were age 23 onwards. Today, this tipping point age has risen to 26, which can be explained by the fact that it takes longer to get own home nowadays than before. If you are still weighing if moving to another state alone is the right choice for you, don’t hesitate and lose the opportunity to move out on your own. We’ll help you find out how to move out of state alone and what to do when moving to another state with our useful tips.

According to Zillow, various cultural and economic factors might be the reason why people are taking longer to move out on their own. Some of those reasons are delaying settling down or choosing not to get married and have kids, expensive housing, income inequality, and more. Yet, when you decide firmly to find your own path and accomplish all your goals somewhere else, that means you are determined to turn the page and start from scratch. Yes, long-distance moving is stressful, especially when relocating to a strange city alone. Still, if you’re familiar with the right interstate relocation tips, even a move from a small town to a big city won’t be so stressful. With a healthy mindset and excellent moving tips and relocation hacks, seemingly life-changing events can turn into one of the best experiences ever.
Is It Hard to Move to a New City Alone?
Being in your hometown during the packing process, obtaining packaging supplies, or doing research about your prospective suburbs you’re planning to move to is usually exciting and provides you with a dose of optimism and joy. This happens because you are surrounded by familiar faces and dear buddies – in one word, feeling at home. But, what actually happens after saying bye to friends and getting away from your buddies?
If you’re moving out for the first time, there are tons of resources to help you with the organization, budget, learning the cost of interstate relocation or how to get a job before you move. But, what to do afterward, once you moved from apartment to house, wondering how to meet new neighbors? Here’s what no one says when you relocate far away:
- Expect you’ll be alone and lonely as well,
- Making friends is much harder now than once you were packing for college wondering how to gain friendships,
- You will doubt yourself, and that’s OK.
If you’re still asking yourself “Should I move to a new state alone,” let us give you some words of advice to assure you that difficulties are normal, particularly at the beginning of your journey. First things first, you have to be well-informed about preparation steps related to cross-country relocation, including the cheapest way to move out of state and easiest way to pack for a move. So, let’s find out how to handle this process stress-free.

Moving to Another State Alone Requires Great Organization and Preparation in Time
Getting organized to a move is a key to a successful relocation. When going far away, one of the crucial factors is to determine the best way to move to another state. That being said, you should figure out your needs and get the precise answers to these questions:
- What are your housing requirements?
- Is your job near your future home?
- What are your favorite activities, and what would you like to do in strange surroundings?
- Do you prefer peaceful day-to-day existence or incline towards a hectic daily routine?
- Does anyone you know already live in that area?

How Much Money Do You Need to Move to a Different State?
Before you decide what are the things you need for your first apartment and whether you should relocate during the summer months or move in winter, be sure to create a realistic budget. Take into consideration all the costs related to packing materials, which can be pricey, especially when it comes to bubble wrap and boxes. Of course, if you plan to move out of state on a budget, you can always try to get free boxes and save some money. Ensure funding for a couple of weeks if you already have a secure job, and calculate your expenses for several months if you don’t have a stable income. Let’s have a look at things to consider when relocating for a job.
How Can I Move to Another State Without a Job?
What should be the most critical steps when relocating without a job? We’ve narrowed down the list of some useful hacks to help you set the ball rolling:
- As we already mentioned, calculate costs – it’s essential to have enough money in your prospective city. These include six months’ rent, food, utilities, and living expenses,
- Research the job market and start sending your resume earlier,
- Build your network,
- Consider freelance options or part-time employment.

Make Sure to Be Familiar With the Most Important Relocation Tips
When it comes to long-distance moving, your main goal should be to move stress-free. Put simply, how to move to another state alone with doing all the packing and other relocation tasks without the hassle? Be sure to prepare the relocation checklist with a timeline. Finding the home to your liking and working out a budget for your cross-country move is just the tip of the iceberg. There are still lots of things waiting to be done.
One of the Best Tips for Moving Out of State Alone – Hire Long-Distance Movers Promptly
Are you thinking about relocating DIY in order to reduce your costs? Or you want to facilitate this process and hire a professional long-distance moving company? Whatever option you choose, keep in mind that saving on moving costs is less important than having all the possible help you need at your future place. That said, cross-country move includes plenty of obligations and tasks to do. For example, hiring long-distance moving services, organizing a cross-country auto transport, and of course, packing your belongings, or using a storage unit in case your apartment is not ready to move in. Just make sure to pick the right timing for your relocation, avoiding holidays, too hot, or freezing days.
Organize Your Documents
Do you know what are the most commonly forgotten things to pack? Even if you’ve created your checklist with all to-do tasks, you might happen to forget your important documents. The best solution is to have them gathered and organized in a moving binder, but it’s likely that you will face a bunch of unsorted papers. Still, every problem is solvable, even this one. Roll up your sleeves, toss everything you don’t need anymore, and sort them into several categories:
- Health,
- Budget,
- School,
- Moving-related papers,
- Personal documents.
Additional tip: make copies of the most important papers and store them on your laptop or phone.
Packing Is Demanding Process – Make Sure to Obtain Packing Supplies and Try Not to Procrastinate When It Comes to Stowing
Whether you’re looking for the best-sized boxes or trying to check if your prospective movers are legitimate, realize that effective planning is crucial when relocating long-distance. With great organization, everything is more straightforward, especially when it comes to storing all your items. That’s why you should think about all steps beforehand and avoid making relocation mistakes. Try not to pack everything you possess because there are big chances that a decent chunk of your belongings can be tossed, donated, or sold. Transporting too many items translates to higher relocation costs, so you can always donate unwanted things or organize a garage sale.
As soon as you determine your relocation day, start stowing immediately. Give yourself a suitable period to adjust to your daily activities, but try to be efficient and organized. If you allow yourself to be too relaxed, a last-minute relocation scenario can happen to you.
Research Your New State and the City
Being a newcomer is exciting and stressful in parallel. So, how to move to another state and feel at home might be a crucial question. To adjust to the new surroundings easily, you need to get to know your future city. Immersing yourself in a strange environment and accepting all diversities without anxiety will help you cope with sadness and loneliness. Of course, make sure to find some favorite nooks and crannies where you can feel cozy and pleasant or gain some lifelong friendships. These experiences can boost your self-esteem during everyday life and keep you happy.
Want to Save Time? Buy New Possessions Online
Today, everyone can use the advantages of technology. You just need to have a suitable electronic device, choose the service or product you want, and wait for it to arrive at your destination. So, why not try this during your packing process and be productive and organized? It is an efficient method that can downsize total cargo and final expenses.
Arrange Your New Place Feel Like Home
Stepping into a strange place might evoke some uncomfortable feelings. Luckily, you can easily defeat sadness by making your own piece of heaven. With your favorite keepsakes and little bits, you will soon feel very homelike. Make sure to bring your cherished items, such as pillows, lamps, framed pictures, or your favorite red coffee mug. They will soon provide the joy and warmth of a home.
How to Move to Another State By Yourself? If You Feel Sad, Maybe It’s Time to Look for Help
Long-distance relocation is often a trigger for anxiety and panic attacks. If you feel like being stuck among your obligations and expectations, you will probably become depressed. Professional help can be an excellent choice to help you conquer your fears, worries, and suspects. Relocating with pets also can be a perfect factor that will reduce your tension and help you meet interesting people.

Stay in Touch With Old Friends and Family Members
If you’re worried about losing connections with your family and friends, know that the strongest relationships will last regardless of distance. Today, the Internet and social networks are available to you at any time and in any place. So, being up to date with your loved ones’ lives will give you the satisfaction and possibility to speak with someone dear whenever you start feeling lonely.

Moving to a New State Alone Might Be an Excellent Opportunity for Your Personal Growth
Sometimes, being alone and surrounded by the unknown can improve your confidence and regulate your moods. Whether you like your current situation or not, know that moments of solitude can bring you fruitful hours of discovering your own needs and emotions. You can also learn plenty of useful things:
- You will become an expert for solving any kind of problems,
- Whatever your reasons to move are (fears, self-doubt, or something akin,) know that this period is perfect to face all your demons,
- You need to become open to different ideas, people, interests, and situations, which will make you stronger,
- As time passes, your “strange life” will become “your wonderful life.”

Step Out of Your Bubble and Discover Your Surroundings
Being stuck in the past can be the right thing to do at the beginning of your fresh impetus. This might help overcome your current fears and unrealistic worries. But, after several weeks or months, you’ll realize that it’s the right moment to step out of your bubble and let others get to know you. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re relocating to New York City alone or longing to meet the charms of rural life – the process is similar. To start feeling homey, you have to accept this change as the starting point of your new life.