How to Make Moving Into an Apartment With a Kid Less Stressful
Many people consider moving into an apartment a good opportunity to downsize, cut down on costs, and change their lifestyle habits. But an apartment move-in when you have a family might not go so smoothly. So what should you do to prevent any stress your kids might be going through?

Relocations with kids are challenging, but you can avoid any unnecessary tension and anxiety about the move by following some simple pieces of advice. This can be done in several steps, but the ultimate goal is to keep a positive and secure environment, so your children can enjoy a stress-free move. Start by talking to them openly so that they can prepare both mentally and emotionally. Allow them to participate, too – by taking an active role in the move, they will feel more comfortable and included in the change.
The Impact of a Relocation on a Child’s Emotional and Mental Health Can Be Great
Every child needs stability and reassurance to have a healthy development. It’s then easy to see why relocating with kids can leave a significant impact on their health and cause issues down the road. There is a study conducted on 50,000 children that proves this. According to a study, children above the age of five often experience more negative effects from long-distance moving. This is due to the fact that kids must leave behind friendships and switch schools at a crucial juncture in their social development.
Housing, upbringing, family dynamics, neighborhood considerations, peer pressure, and academic progress are important aspects of stability for kids. Children who live in unstable housing frequently have fewer healthy relationships, a worse sense of overall well-being, and a lower level of life satisfaction. But what happens when we have to move, for instance, from a small town to a big city? How do we help our children cope? This will be a big challenge for them, especially since you will rent a space that is significantly smaller than they are used to.

Be Absolutely Certain of the New Destination
First of all, in order to give our young ones stability, we have to be clear on our own wants, needs, and decisions. Unlike back when we planned to move out of our parents’ house, we have more people to think about, not just how to live on our own. So, we should ask ourselves – what drives us to move? Are we simply looking for a way to move to a big city because it offers different opportunities for the whole family? Or are we going to move for a job that gives a guaranteed sense of security and the like?
Whatever our reasons to move are, we should be certain about what awaits us. This is a sure way to avoid unpleasant surprises and deter any stress in our lives. When we feel happy and don’t bring any tension into our homes, the children will act the same. So, before you sign any lease, you should prepare your whole family.
Talk to Them Openly, and Prepare Them for Living in a Smaller Space
When you decide to move to another state, start explaining everything to your child, so they can be prepared for the upcoming change. And since you will be leaving a bigger living space and entering a smaller one, you should also explain it thoroughly. Bring up the benefits of smaller spaces in your conversation – how it’s easier to tidy up, how you can all be closer to each other, and how great of an opportunity it is to reside in a large city. Do this before you sign a lease and make any commitments.
Visit Your Future Hometown Together
Once you’ve decided when and where you’re relocating, it’s the right moment to do some residence hunting. You can narrow down your choices by looking at available real estate for rent on NeighborhoodScout. The next step is to visit these places and take your kids with you if it’s possible. By driving around the area together, you can get to know the feel of the place. You can even stop by some parks or restaurants to have a meal. This way, you’ll get to know the feel of the place before you sign a lease and start thinking about the easiest way to pack for a move.
They Should Be Allowed to Participate in Preparations
One of the most important things you should do regarding the preparations and packing process is to downsize for a move. After all, you won’t be able to fit all the belongings that are now scattered around the house into a much smaller space. So, make the packing and decluttering process something your children can participate in.
Explain how some items need to go to the garbage, like broken toys, old notebooks, and such. Once they decide what to get rid of, they can also pack some books they don’t want to keep, along with clothes and different trinkets, so you can donate them. They can also decide which items can be left behind in a storage service because not everything will fit into the new residence.
You can also ask them, depending on their age, to look for some small apartment ideas together with you. Or at least let them decide how to decorate their own space. If you want to avoid buying new stuff, you can repurpose old furniture and ask the kids to participate, too.
Moving Services
Whether you are moving from New York to Los Angeles or from San Francisco to Chicago, we can help you.
Read moreAuto-Transport
If your first concern is having your vehicle transported safely and efficiently, enclose shipping is the way to go.
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Flat Price Moving and Auto Transport Company offers moving insurance to cover potential damages
Read moreExplain That a Car Shipping Company and Cross Country Movers Will Help You Prepare
Let’s face it – relocations are easier with a long-distance moving company by your side. Besides long-distance moving services, they often supply handy packing services and secure auto transport services. This way, you’ll have more time to spend with your kids and plan your future life in a condo while the professionals take care of all those daunting tasks.
Your kids can aid you in putting together some snacks and refreshments as part of the relocation day preparations. Also, explain that a lot of people will be coming and going inside the house, so they should be sure they don’t get in the way. Talk to them and ask if they would rather spend the day with relatives or friends while the long-distance movers work.

Make Things Easier by Offering Comfort
Making a big move can be tough on everyone, but it can be especially hard on kids. They might not understand why you’re moving or why they have to leave their friends and home behind. Here are some ways to ease up the relocation for your child:
- Talk to them about the move when you notice they are feeling down. Taking a moment to hear about their needs and wants is always important, so don’t let the chaos around you consume you too much.
- Every time they start to feel anxious, you should try to explain why you’re about to change your address and what they can expect in their future home.
- Arrange for them to stay in touch with their friends by arranging playdates or setting up video chat sessions.
- Keep familiar routines as much as possible, such as mealtimes and bedtimes. Write the schedule in a checklist to keep track of everything.
- Most importantly, spend time with them and be available to answer any questions or concerns they have.
Moving Into a New Apartment Will Be Smooth if You Bring Your Child’s Essentials
If you want the move to be as smooth as possible for your family, it’s important to be prepared and bring your child’s essentials with you in advance. While one of the most important things to do before you leave is to create a relocating to another state checklist and decide what you’ll need, it’s also crucial to pack some necessities for your young ones. Bring along their favorite items, such as toys, books, and blankets, so they can feel comfortable in unknown surroundings. They can pack this box by themselves, too.
The following video offers some ideas about what items to pack for your kids so they can overcome a long-distance trip.
Let Them Create Some Memorabilia
One of the best ways to create lasting memories with your children is to make memorabilia with them. There are all sorts of things you can do, from creating scrapbooks and photo albums together to making a treasure box. Whatever you choose to do, take some time to sit down with your kids and create something special that you can all look back on and cherish for years to come.
Create a Treasure Box
Their very own treasure box is a place where children can keep all of their most prized possessions safe and sound. To get started, you’ll need a few supplies. You can use an old shoe box, just make sure it’s big enough to fit all of your child’s treasures. Next, you’ll need some fabric to cover the outside of the box.
Let your child help you choose how the outside should look. They can use markers, crayons, stickers, or even paint to create a one-of-a-kind design. Next, you should help your child line the inside of their box with soft fabric or paper. In the end, let them fill their box with whatever they want! Toys, jewelry, coins, rocks, shells, leaves, tickets to favorite shows, and everything else that reminds them of their previous home.
Create a Memory Notebook
You should also find time to create a scrapbook or photo album together. This is a great way to document all of the special moments in your child’s life, from birthdays and holidays to school milestones and family vacations. Sit down together and design each page, adding photos, mementos, and personal notes. This is a project that you can add to over the years and it will be a treasured keepsake for your entire family. Let them add photos of their friends and relatives, too, and they can write down some personal info and notes beside the pictures.
Throw a Party to Say Goodbye
Many children have a hard time when they have to move to another town. They may not want to leave their old friends behind and might be worried about making new ones. A great way to ease this transition is by throwing a going away party for your child so that they can say bye to friends. This will give them a chance to say goodbye to everyone in a fun and memorable way.
Moving Into an Apartment With Kids Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult
Once you’ve gone through the preparations, you should try to make the move as exciting as possible for your children. Let them help pack up their own belongings or even pick out furniture because it’s the best way for them to make an apartment feel like home. If you have all together downsized your belongings properly, the packing won’t take a lot of time. You can enjoy settling into the residence, finding some creative storage ideas, and buying things from your new apartment checklist.
Finally, take some time to explore your neighborhood with your kids from day one. This will help them to feel more comfortable in their new surroundings and give them a chance to get to know their new neighbors. By following these simple tips, entering an apartment with kids can be a fun and exciting experience for everyone involved.