Are There Any Items Movers Won’t Move?

October 8, 2021 / Posted in Before the Move
Kate Holland

A true grunge and rock music fan born in Seattle, Kate has moved across the country and started writing about her experience.

Packing is an exhausting task that requires a lot of back-breaking work. Just thinking about it makes many of us dread this part of relocations. But there’s a high chance we are not taking everything with us. It would also be good to know what items movers won’t move and get rid of them before the long-distance moving company arrives.

A pile of kerosene tanks
Relocation companies won't transport potentially dangerous objects

We all need a few directions during a move to a new place. Not in a literal sense because we usually don’t decide where to live on a whim, while we’re driving. We require all the possible moving tips alongside several awesome moving hacks to help us organize like pros. But there’s one thing that we most likely ignore that will lower tension levels and secure a stress-free move. It’s a list of non-allowable objects that shouldn’t go on a relocation truck.

It’s Essential to Know Which Items Movers Won’t Move Before You Start Preparing

And now you’re wondering what the heck these objects have to do with your stress levels. But just imagine – you’ve planned and invested and done tons of work during the preparations. You’ve bought all the packing materials and also chose the best-sized boxes you needed to pack all the belongings and secure them. You’ve thoroughly taped the lids to avoid any mishaps. And once the long-distance movers arrive, you realize some of these things shouldn’t go on a truck. You can probably picture yourself panicking because you are going to get delayed a lot on your move to a new place. That is the reason why you should contact the professional team you’re relocating with and get a list of the so-called non-allowables.


How Will I Know for Sure What’s Not Allowed?

All the moving companies in the business are forbidden by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to transport certain materials and objects. That’s why when you hire movers who are reputable and reliable, they will present you with a list of these items. Once they come over to estimate the value of household goods, you can ask for this checklist or simply contact them and require it.

Should I Pack These Anyway and Don’t Tell the Relocation Company What’s Inside?

The listed objects and materials are on the list of non-allowed for a reason. They present a potential risk and danger, even if they don’t seem dangerous at first glance. The back of the relocation truck, where your belongings will be stored, can get really warm, especially if you’re moving in the summer. The high temperatures can cause an explosion of items such as a hair spray or heat up flammable materials, so it causes a fire. If anything happens to your possessions or to the vehicle, the only person that will be held responsible is you.

A mover with a list
The cross-country movers will present you with a list of objects that are not allowed

Hazardous Materials Shouldn’t Go on a Relocation Truck

Among the things that relocation companies aren’t allowed to load on their vehicle are corrosive, flammable, and explosive objects and materials. Somehow, it may seem logical that something that is flammable shouldn’t be shipped, but sometimes, we’re not aware that the things we use every day in our households can present danger on a relocation truck. Even if you are last-minute moving, you should avoid packing these items and properly dispose of them.

Which Materials Are Considered Hazardous?

There are certain things that are obviously explosive, such as propane tanks and cans with gasoline and kerosene. But here’s a more thorough list of potentially dangerous items:

  • Acids and ammonia,
  • Weapons and ammunition,
  • Motor oil, car batteries, and antifreeze,
  • Pool chemicals,
  • Paints, paint thinners and wood stain,
  • Fireworks,
  • Lamp oil,
  • Deodorants, hair sprays, nail polish, nail polish remover,
  • Bleach and other cleaning supplies.

For a more thorough list, ask the relocation specialists, among other questions to ask movers. Also, keep in mind that various yard equipment runs on gasoline, so ensure you empty it before you get it transported to avoid making one of those moving mistakes.

Perishable Foods Will Not Cause an Explosion but Are Among the Non-Allowables

We know the first thing that comes to mind when you realize that food is not allowed to be shipped is that sustenance in no way can be hazardous. Although no type of food is flammable or explosive (except for maybe beans,) perishable food shouldn’t be packed and shipped with other belongings. They can spill, get moldy, attract insects and create a mess while in transport. So, to keep all other possessions intact, go through your kitchen and decide what to keep and make a pile of what to get rid of. A good piece of advice is to use up all the perishable food you have in your refrigerator and your freezer and throw a party as one of the best ways to say bye to friends.

The Relocation Companies Won’t Transport Your Pets

Our furry companions are not only our pets – they are our friends and a part of our family. When we relocate, we look for the best tips for moving with pets we can find to make the transition easy for them. Most of us already own pet crates used for travels, but although it’s a handy thing that can be placed anywhere, it shouldn’t be placed on a relocation vehicle. There are two reasons for that – pets are on the list of non-allowables, and the back of a truck is no place for a living thing. Our furry companions should travel with us, where we can make sure they have sufficient food and water and where we’ll ensure to keep them safe.

Unfortunately, You Can’t Ship Plants on the Relocation Truck

Most homes own at least one potted plant. We buy them to bring a little greenery and nature into our homes, or we keep various herbs in our kitchens to add a little spice and flavor to our cuisine. But, when you start packing, one of the things you forget to do is to take care of them for shipping. Before you start packaging them, keep in mind that plants are among the non-allowables, too. So, what to do with them? You have a choice – either leave them for the next residents or plan your move in such a way that you can take them with you. If you need advice on how to transport your plants, take a look at the video below.

Dispose of Non-Allowable Stuff the Right Way

Once you get a hold of a list of all the stuff from your home that shouldn’t be transported, you should consider getting rid of it. But since most of these objects and materials can’t simply be thrown away, the best thing you can do is contact the Environmental Protection Agency Office and ask for the necessary information. This way, you’ll ensure you’ve disposed of hazardous and potentially dangerous objects the proper way.

If You Are Shipping Your Vehicle, It Must Be Emptied, Too

Many solutions by a relocation company come in handy and make our move easier. If you’re going to move to another state, you’ve probably planned to invest in an auto transport service so you won’t have to drive all the way. Before you hand over your vehicle, make sure you empty it of all personal belongings and contact the professionals to get informed on how much gas should be in the tank.

Don’t Place Anything Non-Allowable Into Storage

Hiring professional help allows us to move efficiently, primarily if we invest in various long-distance moving services such as storage or the packing service. But before you begin the packing process, keep in mind that the rules about the things that can’t go on the truck are also valid for a storage facility. When you pack your boxes meant to go into the storage units to be kept there for some time, ensure every item is thoroughly cleaned and dried. This is to avoid mold and other damage to your possessions.

A man placing boxes into storage
Don't place anything non-allowed into the storage units

Do Some Decluttering Before Cross Country Moving on Your Own

When we move, we usually look for ways to move out of state on a budget or simply to save on moving costs. The list of what won’t movers move can help us, because the fewer belongings we have to ship with a car shipping company, the lower the price for our move will be. But you shouldn’t stop at getting rid of non-allowable stuff; thorough decluttering will be the start of the easiest way to pack for a move. It’s simply because purging your home of unnecessary stuff means you’ll have less to pack.

Start Looking in the Least Used Rooms

The part of your home where you should start looking for non-allowable stuff, but also where most of the unwanted objects will be, is the garage and the attic, the least used rooms. Before you begin to pack a garage, take a garbage bag and throw away all the broken and unusable possessions. The next step is to set aside anything you don’t want but which is in fairly good condition.

Consider to Donate Some Items Before Long Distance Moving

There are probably a lot of your belongings that you don’t want to take with you but which are still usable. That’s why you should make a pile of anything that goes into this category and consider where you could donate unwanted items. Contact charities such as Goodwill or the Salvation Army and agree on the pick-up date. Keep in mind that the charities will accept many types of objects – furniture, books, hygiene products, but also foods that are not perishable.

Two cardboard boxes
We never use 80% of the belongings we keep

Shipping Your Valuables and Documents Will Depend on the Company’s Policy

When you contact an auto transport company that will transport your belongings, along with asking for a list of non-allowables, inquire about their policy on valuables. Your valuables may include stuff like jewelry, artwork, and antiques, but also documents, keys, credit and debit cards, cash, and other pricey possessions. If you’ve managed to organize important documents at home before your relocation, you can always take them with you in your car.

If You Invest in a Packing Service, You’ll Avoid Worrying About the Non-Allowables

When you plan to leave your current state behind and move away to another part of the country, there are many tasks to be done while getting organized. We worry about the cost of interstate relocating and strain to get everything in order. Adding worry about non-allowable objects and materials can only create more stress, so investing in packing service may be the best possible thing to do. After all, a professional crew can pack you in the most efficient way and leave out of the boxes anything that is considered hazardous and potentially dangerous. While they take care of it, you may focus on your new life ahead.

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